My SIRT Story is an information source for patients about Selective 
Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) using SIR-Spheres microspheres – a form of cancer radiotherapy used to treat liver tumours. It aims to provide patient information about the SIRT procedure and a place where people can seek reassurance and support through the stories and experiences of others. My SIRT Story has been developed by the SIRT UK Network and supported financially by Sirtex Medical.
SUN is a web-based network of motivated clinicians and scientists (clinical oncology, medical oncology, interventional radiology, imaging, nuclear medicine, medical physics, hepatology, pathology and surgery). The aim of SUN is to share best practice, clinical experiences, patient information and to organise SIRT masterclasses and workshops. The network has an academic focus, and is independent of commissioning and service considerations.

There are three ways in which you can get SIRT treatment: